Buttons in Precision Targeter

    Find out how to adjust your mailing plan and the different ways to view your plan with buttons in the tool.

    Map buttons

    Select the circular buttons at the bottom of the map to get details and make edits to your mailing plan.

    1. Audience match

    Use the slider to adjust which routes are displayed on the map. Routes appear in a range from blue, a low match, to red, a high match, to correspond with your demographic criteria. Update and save when you are happy with the percentage of the audience match.

    2. Pin

    Target a specific area by dropping a pin anywhere on the map and selecting how you want to target that area, by municipality, postal code, drive distance or radius.

    3. Show suggested routes

    Include additional routes that are just outside your targeted area but still meet your criteria. You can deselect these routes using the route tool after including them if you prefer to exclude them from your mailing plan.

    4. Edit selection

    Modify your selected target area. Hover over the purple pin and choose to remove this targeted area entirely or to edit your delivery area and update your results.

    5. Route

    View and get details on the demographic of specific routes you have selected by hovering your mouse over a highlighted road. Deselect a route by clicking on it, deselected routes appear as white on the map and are removed from your mailing plan.

    6. Add delivery area

    Enter additional delivery area information to add more routes to your mailing plan.

    7. Add map layer

    View your targeted delivery area on the map segmented by route, postal code, federal election districts or municipality to get further context on your selected area.

    8. Mailing details

    Go back to the first step in creating your mailing plan to make modifications. If you don’t want to make any changes, exit this window by clicking the X in the top right corner.

    9. Maximizing map view

    Click on the icon in the top right corner of the map to increase the size of the map on your screen.

    10. Zoom in or zoom out:

    Click on the plus or minus symbol on the left side of the map to zoom in and out on the map.