CPC Financial Management

The function of CPC Financial Management is comprised of complex business processes associated with administration of treasury funds, forecasting of revenue, reconciliation of expenses, tax management, administration of pension funds and corporate accounting.

CPC finance


These files consist of complex business processes associated with the administration of treasury funds, forecasting of revenue, tax (provincial, federal, regional), administration of pension funds and corporate accounting.

Records relate to ledgers, reporting and reconciliation (expenses in general, sub and security ledger accounts), accounts receivable administration, accounts payable administration, insurance administration, treasury and cash, forecasting and budgeting, and financial reporting.

Files include records related to confirming that the general ledger and sub ledger accounts are balanced, cash disbursement activities, administration of corporate insurance, cash holdings, planning, forecasting, and budgeting, financial expenditures, financial reports, corporate decision-making, asset depreciation, corporate assets (physical, real property) and pension plans.

Document types

Ledgers, reporting and reconciliation, accounts receivable, accounts payable, insurance claims, treasury, petty cash, annual forecasting, budgets, reconciliation, financial transactions, accounts, general ledger, sub ledger cash disbursement, corporate insurance, cash holdings, financial expenditures, taxes, costs, tracking of depreciation, corporate assets, real property, property management, taxes, pension plans.

Record number:



Accounts payable


This bank contains such records as claims, authorizations, expense reports, receipts, cheque requisitions, advances, correspondence and other supporting documents relating to expenses being reimbursed, fees being paid, claims being settled and other payments.

Records of transactions also exist in automated form in the Accounts Payable System and in the Systems Applications and Products (SAP). This includes travel and other expenses claims, approvals and records of payments, including direct deposit information.

Individuals seeking access to this bank should specify whether they are a contractor or claimant and provide details of the payment such as location, type and dates.

Class of individuals:

Canada Post suppliers of goods and services, including stamp designers and members of the Board of Directors claiming travel and hospitality expenses; and members of the general public, indemnified for claims made against Canada Post.


The purpose of this bank is to support the Accounts Payable function, which is to make non-payroll payments in accordance with authorizations.

Consistent uses:

The records are used to substantiate and issue cheques for the above noted expenses, fees, claims and other payments; and for planning, budgeting and audit purposes.

Retention and disposal standards:

Records are retained for six fiscal years following the fiscal year during which the expenses were incurred and then securely destroyed.

RDA number:


Related record number:


TBS registration:


Bank number:



Post office savings bank


This bank describes Post Office Savings Bank unclaimed account information. An access database contains account numbers and balances only. Names and other personal information are kept as hard copy documents in a controlled accessed storage room at Head Office and accessed only when a request is received. Account holders wishing to confirm if funds remain on deposit in their name must forward a written request together with appropriate documentation – preferably the account passbook – which identifies the assigned account number. Legal authority is required by those acting on behalf of an account holder or an estate. The personal information includes name and address of account holders.

Class of individuals:

Individuals having funds on deposit with Canada Post prior to 1969.


To support administration of the remaining accounts currently outstanding in the Post Office Savings Bank, the value of which is 2.5 million dollars. The personal information is collected under section 4(c) of the Post Office Bank Regulations Act.

Consistent uses:

Records of the Post Office Savings Bank are accessed as required to facilitate the confirmation and withdrawal of funds by valid account holders or their legal representatives. Accounts having a balance of less than $25.00 and no activity in relation thereto for a period of 30 years were transferred to the credit of the Receiver General for Canada. 1

These records may be provided to legal counsel for use in legal proceedings involving Canada Post.

Retention and disposal standards:

Records are retained for six years after the account has been closed and then securely destroyed.

RDA number:


Related records number:


TBS registration:


Bank Number:



Risk management claims


This bank describes records regarding claims for damages involving general liability and motor vehicle liability, legal opinions, settlement transactions and other correspondence relating to incidents involving third parties. The records contain information on the parties involved, their insurers (if applicable) and the nature of the injury or loss (e.g., lost employment, income or medical expenses, medical reports). The records also concern losses to Canada Post property due to fire, storm impact and such crimes as robbery, break and enter, vandalism, water damage or vehicle impact.


Limited information exists in automated form in a Risk Management Information System. Data elements include the names of the employee and/or claimant, addresses, contact information, date of birth, marital status, occupation, the cause and type of loss, settlement cost, detail on injuries and medical reports and adjuster reports. Note that payment records are also stored in Accounts Payable, CPC PPU 060, and that claims involving delayed, lost or damaged mail are stored in Customer Relationship Network, CPC PPU 100.  Individuals seeking access to this bank should specify details such as incident location and date.

Class of individuals:

Canada Post employees involved in claims, such as drivers of corporate vehicles and letter carriers. (See also Financial Accountability Cases, CPC PPE 818) and third parties making claims or from whom Canada Post is seeking damages.


The purpose of this bank is to support the resolution of Canada Post and third-party claims. The Canada Post Corporation Act provides authority to collect the personal information as described.

Consistent uses:

Records are used to determine liability for motor vehicle, and other accidents involving third parties; as well as damage to CPC property; to approve damage settlements, such as payments by and to CPC (claims requiring investigation, particularly those involving injury could be handled by outside adjusters); to support claims by CPC against insurance policies in force; and to facilitate loss control and other measures to prevent and mitigate recurrences. Note that certain information may be provided to insurance companies, lawyers acting on behalf of either party or the police, to facilitate resolution of the claim.

Retention and disposal standards:

Records are retained for six years after end of the fiscal year in which the claim was resolved and then securely destroyed.

RDA number:


Related records number:


TBS registration:


Bank number:


1 This was done up to 1981 but after incorporation, monies were transferred to a revenue account. Payment records are also stored in Page 20 Accounts Payable, PSU 931 and by Money Order Services, CPC PPU 130.