Why offer Ship from Store
Save money
Reduce delivery times and shipping costs by accessing the inventory closest to them. We’ll pick up right from your participating retail locations.
Increase sales
Access your entire inventory for every sale –online or in-store. Don’t miss out on a sale when you let your customer shop at anytime from anywhere.
It’s easy
Print shipping labels from your Ship from Store location. Fulfill customer orders from within your participating retail locations.
Here's how it works
When a customer places an order, it’s assigned to the closest participating store that has the item on hand.
Your staff package orders and print shipping labels.
We pick up the parcels in-store and take care of the delivery.
How to get started

Talk to a specialist
If you're interested in learning more about how Ship from Store can work for your business, get in touch with one of our ecommerce specialists to talk about inventory planning and integration with your store network.

Access through your existing platform
We have a network of ecommerce partners who already have our shipping, fulfillment, delivery and returns services integrated into their platforms. See if Ship from Store is offered by your platform provider.
View ecommerce partners
Want to DIY with a developer?
You can integrate Ship from Store directly into your website through our Developer Program. Get access to our API keys and plugins here.
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