Mailing Characteristics

Characteristics for the entire mailing are entered here. Some fields may automatically be populated based on preference settings. Fields may also be populated if creating a new mailing from a Template. This is the second section to enter when you describe your Mailing.
Reminder: Changes to the Mailing Characteristics apply to the entire mailing.

Enter Mailing Characteristics:

Enter or select for the entire mailing:

Customer Reference: optional (maximum 12 characters)
This reference will display on the invoice.

Deposit Location: select the location where this Mailing will be deposited. The list displays the Favourite Postal Outlets that have been selected in your data maintenance.

You are able to edit the list by clicking on the edit icon . The Data Maintenance Favourite Post Office will open.

For more information on setting up Favourite Post Offices see the Help topic: Favourite Post Offices

Deposit Date: select the date this mailing piece will be deposited. The date must be a business day; cannot be a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday in the Province of the Deposit Location.

Next Step:
Enter/Edit Containers if applicable(optional)
Enter Mailing Pieces information